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765 Update – 10/17/2022

By October 19, 2022Members Only

Submitted by Steve Winicker.


The 765 was brought back to Casad Saturday and Sunday this past weekend.  No problems were reported.  Thanks to the volunteers, INE and NS who made this happen.  Once back at the shop the locomotive boiler was drained and dried out, ready for the winter maintenance season.


There is much work to do over the winter getting the engine ready for a new season of operation.  The big job now is to clean and begin the FRA mandated  annual inspection of the engine.  Work has started and will continue daily as time permits.  I will plan on being out on weekends at the normal hours and will also plan on most weekdays, though I highly encourage you to check with me so we can coordinate times.  Many other projects will be underway during the winter so plan on spending some quality time at Casad!


Since it is the beginning of a new shop season I am starting off with some general Safety issues to keep in mind:

  1. Always wear safety goggles when working with hazardous materials.
  2. Always follow safety procedures when using power tools.
  3. Make sure your work area is tidy and free of trip hazards.
  4. Watch where you’re walking – don’t run in the workplace!
  5. Always use the appropriate lifting technique when moving heavy objects.
  6. Keep jewelry and other loose objects away from machinery.
  7. Don’t eat or drink near hazardous materials.
  8. Report unsafe conditions immediately to your supervisor.
  9. Wear the correct clothing for the job – no loose clothing or jewelry!
  10. Take regular breaks and stay hydrated while working.