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By June 24, 2022Members Only

Submitted by Chris Homco

It is the final 72 hours before we deadhead north for an amazing new adventure, the Indiana Rail Experience. This is an “all hands on deck” weekend if there ever was one.

For the first time in over 20 years, we own our own passenger cars again and we are responsible for making sure we show our best. Come out this weekend and help deep clean our fleet of cars to the highest of standard.

The Emery is within inches of complete and it is definitely a race to the deadline, come help make that final push, no help will be refused.

The Silver Diner is having its AC stress tested as I write this and will be a cool place to ensure all the surfaces meet the cleanliness of its new carpets and windows. Come one come all.

The Tool car needs to be stocked, the grease cans need filling, and the rods need to be wiped. Plenty of engine work to satisfy your appetite.


The shop will be busy around the clock, don’t hesitate, come and be part of this amazing thing that is happening.