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765 Update – 2/7/2022

By February 16, 2022Members Only

Submitted by Steve Winicker.


Well with the snow it was a slow week, but things got done despite the weather.  Saturday Jeff and Austin Rayner came out and checked all the boiler connections for the water column and glasses then cleaned and replaced the plugs.  Following that Jeff went in and drilled out the flexible stays with a longer bit to reach the end of the tell tales in the combustion chamber and the right-side sheet and crown.  Still have the left side to drill out the long tell tales on.

In other projects Andrew finished taking out the steel flooring on the 3671. Some painting on the Box car was also started.


I will hope to finish up the stay bolt drilling this weekend.  Other projects include box car painting, wood subfloor removal in the 3671 and if weather permits possibly taking the trucks out from under the 451.

At last look there is still 8 inches or so of snow in the parking lot,  I did have a visitor that made it in and out with a car but it took some doing.  Hopefully some plowing will get done before Saturday but I can not guarantee that.


Hazard identification is the key to injury prevention. If you don’t see it you cannot control, avoid or mitigate it. As work progresses and other activities begin and /or end the hazards to you and others frequently change. You and others may be in harm’s way if one doesn’t remain alert to the changing surroundings.

Stay alert and you minimize the chances of yourself and others from being injured or worse.