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765 Update -6/9/2020

By June 9, 2021Members Only

Submitted by Steve Winicker


Not much to report on the 765.  I am waiting for the tie inserter to be moved to inspect the underside of the locomotive.  I believe this will happen soon. Otherwise, work was slow in the shop with some work on electrical connections and plumbing  on the SD9 and some parts cleaning on the box car. Brody and I worked on some cleaning of the yard area.  The mower is in the shop for rehab, hopefully it will return before the grass gets out of control.



The main thing needed at this time is to look for lubrication leaks under the engine.  This will happen as soon as I can get it over the pit.  Still a lot of grounds work to do, so work is available if you are able to come out.



Outdoor Electrical Safety – Electrical Power Lines

Power lines stretch across our neighborhoods, carrying electricity from power plants and substations to businesses and residents. They play an integral part in providing the power we need for everyday life. However, transmitting high amounts of electricity gives them the ability to do significant damage. To keep you and your family stay safe, make sure to:

  • Always stay at least 20 feet away from power lines.
  • Never use a metal ladder when working anywhere near power lines. Metal is conductive and can seriously shock or electrocute you if it comes in contact with electricity.
  • Avoid carrying tools, and things like rakes and pool skimmers, above your head when near power lines. It’s easy for them to get tangled and cause harm to the wire, or even worse, yourself.
  • Find out where power lines and other utilities are buried before you install a fence, deck, mailbox, lamppost or any other outdoor home improvement project. A simple phone call to MISS Dig at 8-1-1 is all it takes.
  • Teach your children to not climb trees, fly kites or play with any other toys near power lines.


If you do come across a downed power line, stay at least 20 feet away from it and anything that it may be touching. Once you are in a safe location, the best thing you can do is report the downed power line by contacting  your local utility company.