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Project Updates – 5/5/2019

By May 5, 2019Members Only

Submitted by DJ and Tom

Wabash Caboose
There is a work session scheduled for this weekend. I should be at the shop by noon on Saturday, possibly sooner. If you arrive before me, a few things could be worked on:-Shop space cleared on the south side of the car (Possibly move the crane)
-Bottom beam set up on sawhorses, possibly measure/cut to length.
-Hardware (Lags into the frame) on south bottom beam removed (To accomplish this, clean the visible thread with a wire wheel, apply creeping oil. A few guys and a big wrench with a cheater loosened the one ones on the North side)

I plan to prep the South beam for installation and possibly get it into the car.

I hope to see some of you out this weekend!


Work on the Wabash Caboose ramped Up again this weekend with work prepping the main beams for the south wall. Contact DJ to get in on the email chain for that project at

Plymouth Update
This turned out to be a very productive day. Most of the time was spent installing the fireman’s side window. Jeff from Oneil’s Glass spent three hours working with me to install the various components. (They’re only charging for the parts, not their labor and advice) Basically it’s a rubber gasket that goes around the window opening. Next the fixed window is installed and then the track for the sliding window. Finally the sliding glass goes in. There are some additional rubber pieces to finish out the installation and lock everything in place. This explanation makes it seem easier than it was, but having done one, the next time will be easier. Jeff’s help was valuable and he left behind the special tools we’ll need to install the engineer’s side.The air gauge was mounted in the cab and connected. Also, the air connections to the independent brake were hooked up. John brought back the throttle lever and independent brake handle. They’re both brass and after John got done with them they really shine.The next work day is Friday May 10th and Saturday May 11th. That should be enough time to get all of the parts reinstalled in the cab and get the locomotive fired up. At some later date we’ll tackle the engineer’s side window but that will take some repair work. At least we got to practice on the other side so the next one should be easier. Next week I’ll bring my camera and take some photos.


This past weekend the shop saw a lot of activity with general grounds cleaning and shop organization.

Work on the box car continues in the following weeks. Contact Tom Nitza to get in on the email chain for that project at

358 will be coming back in the shop in may to load the newly acquired batteries and continue fabrication work. Contact WD Miller to get in on the email chain for Project 358 at

534 work continues every weekend. Contact Jerrad Bennet for information on that project at

Be sure to keep your calendar open on May 18th, as a shop spring cleaning day and cook out is being planned. Further information will be emailed in the coming days. Contact Chris Homco for further information on that at