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765 Update – 10/29/2017

By November 6, 2017Members Only

Submitted by Steve Winicker.


Friday, we unloaded the sand dome from the 765. Oil samples were collected from the driving boxes. Saturday a small crew worked on rearranging the shop and cleaning up the stuff.  Sunday an even smaller crew removed more jacketing and generally made a mess which we did not clean up as the hour got too late.


Friday the goal is to clean up the mess from Sunday and try to sort things out.  If time and talent permit, we will be removing the sander pipes so more jacketing can be freed up and removed. If things go exceedingly well, we may get some of the insulation off. There are other property maintenance jobs needing done.  A new furnace is being installed in a few weeks and a bit of rearranging is needed for that. A few more able workers would move the work along faster.


When a person is injured, in any way, their lives, as well as those of their loved ones, will be impacted as they recover. We must strive to think and work safely always. Let’s go home in the same or better condition than we arrived at the work or operations site