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765 Update – 7/23/2017

By July 25, 2017Members Only

Submitted by Steve Winicker.


Property improvements were the order of the day for this weekend.  Friday was spent moving gravel to places it was needed, creating a road to the west end of the property, building a ramp over to the Casad side for pedestrian access, refreshing the lanes on the east parking yard.  We took the opportunity to remove some stuff to better locations and to get rid of other stuff.  Sunday, it appears some mowing was done and I raked out some gravel and answered some phone calls.  I also fired up the burn pit with rain scheduled by the weatherman imminent.  The ash reviled at least 4 headlight bulbs – all trash now – that were probably in the cabinet.  I am sure headlight bulbs do not burn and I don’t know how easy these are to find or how expensive they are but no matter, they do cost money.  Before throwing out trash be sure it does not contain non-burnable material or useful items.


Work on the grounds will continue Monday and Tuesday at a minimum.  If someone is anxious to work on Wednesday or Thursday let me know.  I must be gone one of those days but it is not critical which.  I would like to get the concrete pad we are going to dump coal on swept off.  Saturday, we will be transferring the coal into one of the Gondolas we have at the shop. We still have a lot of grounds work to do so come out for the cleanup.  If we get done early we can sit around and admire the area while telling lies to each other.


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