Submitted by Chris Homco & Andrew Hershman
Pennsylvania Baggage Cart
Volunteer Rich has recently completed rebuilding the deck for the Pennsylvania baggage cart. With Chris having disassembled, cleaned, and primed the front wheelset, it is now time to do the same to the second. Once that is complete, we can begin reassembling the cart and painting. If you are interested in helping out with this in the coming weekends, please email the project manager, Caleb Castleman.

Project 3671
While cleaning and beginning floor prep, we discovered that the channel and structure under the baggage door thresholds and stainless aprons were in poor condition. We have decided to move forward and make the correct repairs to ensure the car is solid for many years to come. Significant rust jacking has lifted aprons and pinched the doors shut. This will be corrected before we place a new floor over the compromised sections that can later cause trouble.
- This weekend, we can continue focusing on the remaining cleaning of debris and opening up the area below the baggage car doors that need to be rebuilt. Matt began on the B end Left door by the electrical locker. All remaining rust and compromised steel need to be removed. Use that as an example to tackle the remaining doors to follow. Keep any removed stainless floor pans. We haven’t fully decided if the outer stainless apron and grip tread needs to be removed. If this is the case, we will have to determine if the existing stainless can be cut and removed to be put back in or if new aprons should be formed and installed.
- Someone could also begin needle scaling the steel center sill frame and draft gear pockets at the ends of the car in front of the end man doors.
- Feel free to jump in, and don’t hesitate to ask if you have questions!
Matt and I will not be available this weekend in person to help out. Please feel free to reach out with any questions. Matt Lee, Andrew Hershman