Submitted by Andrew Hershman & Matt Lee
Our priority this weekend is to complete the floor removal with only 20% of the wood subfloor left. The weather looks cold again… go figure! The heater is still available with enough fuel to take the edge off if necessary.
- Finish removing the last of the wood subfloor.
- A fire can be started at the fire pit again to burn the rest of this wood. (Most of the rest of the wood has been burned already.)
- Remove and bag fiberglass insulation for the dumpster.
- Door thresholds need to be removed—three remaining. Considerable rust has jacked the aprons and caused the doors to be pinched stuck.
- Assess the ceiling and walls for repairs and paint prep. We may consider moving to strip the interior while the floor is still a mess (No sense in cleaning the floor twice before the new floor is laid.)
This should keep us busy this weekend. If you can make it out, the effort is always greatly appreciated. If not, that is OK, and you are always welcome to get in on the rebuild. 3671 will be rolling again before long!