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765 Update -5/20/2020

By May 20, 2021Members Only

Submitted by Steve Winicker


Not much to report on the 765 front this week.  Sarah and I did determine that all the lube lines from the car oil lubricator appear to be getting oil.  At some point when we can get the engine over the pit, we will check the lines under the engine.


I have been working on projects related to the property maintenance effort.  DJ and crew have applied a coat of paint to the floor of the bay window caboose and applied another coat of oil to the floor of the 141.  It will take some time for the coating to cure, so please avoid going into them this week. We also have one of three cushions in the Wabash caboose.  Stop by and try it out.



Over the coming few weeks we will be focusing on property maintenance projects.  As we get a clearer idea of our schedule for the year we will be working on the few remaining details needed on the 765.



Mr. Rayner has sent the following update on the current guidance regarding COVID


Safety Sense Health Care

The Center for Disease Control and Health,  i.e. CDC, recently updated their recommendations regarding the wearing of masks for fully vaccinated individuals. The following is from the CDC website…

Fully vaccinated people can:

  • Resume activities without wearing masks or physically distancing, except where required by federal, state, local, tribal, or territorial laws, rules and regulations, including local business and workplace guidance.

It must be noted that the revised guidance applies only to Fully Vaccinated individuals. Fully Vaccinated means two injections of the Pfizer, Moderna m.RNA vaccine plus two weeks after the 2nd vaccination or one injection of the J&J vaccine plus two weeks.


This Guidance does not apply to non-fully vaccinated individuals who must continue to properly wear masks as per all previous and guidelines. The guidance does not apply to those individuals who have contracted COVID-19 and recovered.


Facilities may or may not request formal verification that an individual is fully vaccinated.


If you are not fully vaccinated and wish to ‘shed the mask’ and take a major step toward getting back to a normal life, the process is relatively simple….get vaccinated with your choice of vaccines and at your choice of vaccination site.



