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765 Update -12/22/2020

By December 22, 2020Members Only

Submitted by Steve Winicker


As noted last week most of the work has been done on the Wabash caboose the last few weeks.  That project is coming along nicely and should be finished sometime early in the new year.  The finishing details take quite a bit of time to accomplish though the square feet of work accomplished is not as great as putting on siding or other earlier projects.  All will add greatly to the finished project.  Bill M took some time and checked the crane for antifreeze and found it to be protected to at least minus 15. Bill also took some time do some repair of the 765’s cab floor.



I am planning on giving the caboose some additional effort.  Early next year I plan on painting the inside of the tender in areas that were missed earlier and finding the leak in the tender.  Supplies are on hand to do both so a work session could break out at any time.



COVID-19 Plan of Action !

  1. All building occupants are expected wear a mask and provide their own face covering when working in groups not able to maintain at least 6 feet of distance. (some masks are available at the shop)
  2. A pre-job briefing will be held each morning on how to limit the spread of the Corona virus.
  3. Specific emphasis on 6’ social / physical distancing (where possible)
  4. Wash hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds and practice good personal hygiene habits.(soap and water provided)
  5. The Society will provide disinfectant wipes and hand sanitizer in the shop.(also located on the counter by the sink)
  6. We are encouraging volunteers to stay home if they are sick. Must be fever free (less than 100.4 degrees) for 24 hours without medication before coming to the shop or other Society functions.(actually, we are insisting you not show up if sick, period)
  7. Properly attired visitors are permitted in the shop. Social distancing is required.

Further we are constantly monitoring the CDC and the State of Indiana for updates regarding preventative measures to communicate to our volunteers.

We continue to ask everyone to do their part. The best line of defense for protecting your health,  and the health of those around you, is to practice good personal hygiene.

We appreciate your cooperation and understanding as we all strive to keep our employees and  communities safe and healthy. We will continue to monitor the situation and keep you informed as we move forward.

 FWRHS Board of Directors 




