Submitted by WD Miller
Strong steady progress is happening once again on #358. This weekend we hit a milestone, let’s recap the weekend.
- Samantha worked on door latches, replacing broken/worn ones with newer ones we acquired from Progress Rail Mayfield.
- Carson continued welding on the engineer side walkway
- Cory came over with parts to continue with the Pre-Lube Pump. He was able to accomplish the pump welded in, and the pipe connections to the oil inlet ports, plus the pick up tube through one of the inspection ports on the air box. Just a couple pieces of pipe to connect the pump to the block, and a wired circuit for power and it’ll be ready to go.
- I did some other prep for the AuxGen, purchased the new bolts and other hardware we’ll need to mount the Aux Gen in the locomotive.
- We all finished up the day by clearing a path for the crane to be brought out and crossed over to the north side of the shop on Saturday morning.
- Started off with moving caboose 141 out so we could get the crane out and moved around to the north side.
- Held a job briefing with everyone
- Positioned crane and rigged up the load and performed the lift.
- This is where things became interested. With the measurements taken of the rectangular opening and comparing them to the full AuxGen Unit, we felt confident. But after trying to literally squeeze things in, it wasn’t going to happen.
- We broke for lunch to regroup, upon our arrival back to the shop, Joe Knapke had removed the larger squirrel cage and blower wheel off the end off the Aux Gen. This left the motor, and the fan for the main generator. We re-rigged and set the Aux Gen in place. Fit like a glove!
- Rough lined it in, inserted bolts to hold everything down.
- Next steps for the AuxGen will be to turn the electricians loose on it and let them do their magic and get it wired up.
- A couple of the crew then went over to DJ and the Wabash Caboose to help install some components on caboose.
- Carson and Phil worked on the seam covers for the longhood. That piece covers the break between the sections of the hood, and helps keep weather out as much as possible.
- I finished up by cleaning up, recording some things, and updating the “to-do” list.
I want to mention a special thank you to Steve who was more than patient with us on the lift of the AuxGen while we struggled with it and the number adjustments to the cable on the crane.
Also a special thank you to Joe who worked on the fan cage while we went to lunch to get us ready for the final set.
It was a successful, learning day for all, we had a great crew for the lift, to include: Chris, Brandon, Carson, Phil, Samantha, Steve, Joe, and myself. Plus Thank you to Kelly for coming out to get the action on film.
Everyone did a great job, performed the task safely, went home with all their fingers, and went home all in one piece. That’s a successful day.
Thank you to the crew and other shop forces for their cooperation.
WD Miller
Project Manager, Project 358
Project Manager, Project 358
Fort Wayne Railroad Historical Society, Inc.
Cell: 419-303-2690
Cell: 419-303-2690

AuxGen in it’s new home.