Submitted by DJ DePanicis
This past weekend saw some pretty hot days but that did not stop us from making significant progress on the car. The weekend started with Rich and I hanging the West end rafter. Rich also cut off the ends of the siding on the North side. With both end rafters attached, we were able to move to the roof on the East end of the car. With a few shims, we were able to find the center and begin adding roof T&G from the center out. This portion of the roof was completed by mid morning on Saturday, just in Time for Diane to come in and prime the ceiling of the porch overhang. After lunch, Rich, Brody, and myself began applying material to the longer side of the car. Again, we found the center line and worked out from the center. We found that one 10′ board spans perfectly between 6 rafters. We did need to trim one rafter as it was high. We believe that it was the sample rafter with one extra piece of lamination material. We worked until we ran out of material, which Steve graciously went and got the rest to finish the roof. It is very gratifying to see two people stand and walk on the surface of the roof!.
We can have the roof completed in one more weekend. With that in mind, the new material will need to be primed on the beaded side. The roof pieces are not to the end of the car yet because a bevel needs to be cut along the header beam to match the slope of the roofline.
Here is the future work list:
– Prime new beadboard on the beaded side (Grey)
– Instal new roof material
– Install plywood sheets over T&G
– frame windows
– Decide interior paint colors
– Buy paint
– Buy Trim
– Decide on name boards (New or fix old)
– Complete Brake system (Tom)
– Pull out of the shop and stand amazed at the work we have done!!
When it comes time for final painting, I will organize a work blitz weekend to complete this task. It will be all hands on deck to complete this task.
I plan to be out this upcoming weekend to finish the roof. The following weekend is my birthday and I may be doing something for that, but not sure.
Please enjoy the attached pictures and let me know your availability to work this weekend.
DJ DePanicis
Project Coordinator
Fort Wayne Railroad Historical Society, Inc.