Submitted by W.D. Miller.
The locomotive was recently switched out from behind the shop to the North track for better accessibility. This past weekend a small group gathered to continue work on NKP 358. Several things were accomplished including:
– Removed the air dryer from the electrical cabinet area to be stored in nose. Intake port on dryer bagged and sealed. Hoses bagged and sealed. Removed the thermal sensors from the bottom of the unit while removing it, to be reinstalled at a later date. Documented wiring setup.
– Took some metal pieces to the shop, sand blasted, and primed them.
– Pulled up the access hatch in the cab and began the long process of chipping and sweeping up 58 years of dirt, grime, and rust. Got about 3-4 sq-ft done. Approximately 80 lbs of material removed, so far. Will need to bring an APR, better lighting, and some different power tools to get deeper into the mess next time.
– Chipped and swept up the best we could just inside the electrical cabinet from the cab area.
– Installed a couple more door latches on the long hood.
No formal work sessions are currently planned however several volunteers are interested in meeting up sometime in early February. Cleaning up under the cab floor and other areas will be at least three or four full days worth of work. It is so packed in there, that hand scrapping is slow and power tooling it (with a Dremel Oscillating scraper tool) wasn’t much faster. Once that is all cleaned out, there will be some metal work needed for that hatch to sit level.
If you are interested in helping with Project 358 please email project manager Chris Lantz.
- NKP 358
- 1/13/17 Update #1
- 1/13/17 Update #2
- 1/13/17 Update #3
- 1/13/17 Update #4